[PRNewswire] "Picturesque Sanya!" Clipper Race Crew from Sanya Serenity Coast

입력 2018-02-27 09:23  

[PRNewswire] "Picturesque Sanya!" Clipper Race Crew from Sanya Serenity Coast
Spoke Highly of the City

(SANYA, China, Feb. 26, 2018 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Clipper Race Sanya Stopover of Sanya Serenity Coast prepared a wonderful day tour for crew members on 25th February. Nearly 40 people, including Clipper Race official staff and Sanya local media, travelled to Nanshan Tourism Culture Zone and Binglang Valley. They enjoyed the warm reception and colorful sightseeing of Sanya.

After 2 days' rest, all crew members were excited about the travel. Most of them came to Sanya for the first time, the easy lifestyle in Sanya made them feel comfortable. The 108-meter Nanshan South Sea Kwan-yin Bohisattva statue shocked them a lot.

Bronwen, a supporter of team Liverpool 2018, travelled to each stopover with her husband- a Round The Worldcrew, "I feel good in Sanya. I saw the Nanshan Kwan-yin when I was on the plane, it is really special. And it was amazing that watching the Kwan-yin from a very close distance. So much thanks for Sanya stopover."

"I'm enjoying my stay in China.China is a surprise and I'll be back." David said, a crew member of PSP Logistics.

After the lunch in Nanshan, all of them went to Binglang Valley. Clipper Race crew members experienced a traditional Li & Miao minority culture, including climbing trees, visiting the minority museum, drinking local liquor and watching a fantastic live performance.

Kathryn, Global Communications Officer, thought highly of the Sanya day tour, " It was a great journey today, all of us are very happy. Delicious food and gorgeous sightseeing, also the friendly local people.We sincerely appreciate Sanya."

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20180226/2065201-1-a
Nanshan Tourism Culture Zone

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20180226/2065201-1-b
Binglang Valley

Source: Sanya Serenity Coast

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<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>


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