[PRNewswire] Nexteer Automotive Achieves Production Milestone in China

입력 2018-05-08 18:02  

[PRNewswire] Nexteer Automotive Achieves Production Milestone in China

-- 10 Million Electric Power Steering Systems Manufactured

(SUZHOU, China, May 8, 2018 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Nexteer Automotive [https://www.nexteer.com/ ], today announced that its manufacturing facilities in China reached a production milestone of 10 million Electric Power Steering (EPS) Systems on May 8, 2018.

Nexteer EPS systems provide reliable steering control in all driving conditions, while reducing fuel consumption, increasing overall fuel efficiency up to six percent and CO2 emissions by up to eight grams per kilometer. Nexteer's EPS is the gateway technology for the future of autonomous driving providing industry-leading innovations in safe and intuitive steering control.

"We are excited with the progress of our production as we continue to deliver lateral control systems which offer greater fuel efficiencies, tailored driving experiences as well as scalable advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) features," said Steve Spicer, vice president - global EPS product line, Nexteer Automotive. "Our EPS systems are engineered to provide the best steering control, safe and smooth transitions between manual and autonomous driving modes allowing it to be used in a wide range of vehicles from small cars to full-size trucks while minimizing the vehicles' carbon footprint."

Worldwide, more than 50 million EPS systems have been produced across Nexteer's 24 plants. Instrumental in achieving this milestone is Nexteer's Digital Trace™ Manufacturing [https://www.nexteer.com/release/nexteer-launches-digital-trace-manufacturing-a-holistic-approach-to-integrating-manufacturing-design/ ], one of the most advanced, holistic, integrated approaches to design and manufacturing in the automotive industry. The system enables Nexteer to operate under one common global architecture to deliver high-quality product performance, improve value and optimize global production capacity.

"At Nexteer, we demonstrate technology leadership not only in what we do, but in how we do it. We excel at in-house design, validation, manufacturing and motion control technologies. We're continuously innovating in our production systems and processes to achieve greater productivity and quality," said Spicer.

Nexteer currently operates eight manufacturing facilities and one technical center in China for EPS and driveline systems, including two EPS Joint Ventures in Chongqing and Wuhan. As the world's third largest steering supplier and top supplier in Rack-Assist and Single-Pinion-Assist EPS systems, the 10-millionth EPS production milestone in China addresses the market's growing demand for EPS benefits as well as reiterates Nexteer's goal in providing light-weight, fuel-efficient, environmental-friendly and ADAS-enabling steering technology to its customers.

Nexteer Automotive - A Leader in Intuitive Motion Control - is a multi-billion-dollar global steering and driveline business delivering electric and hydraulic power steering systems, steering columns and driveline systems, as well as advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and automated driving technologies for original equipment manufacturers. The company's global workforce of over 13,500 serves more than 50 customers in every major region of the world. The company has 24 manufacturing plants, three technical centers and 14 customer service centers strategically located in North and South America, Europe and Asia. Nexteer Automotive's customers include BMW, Fiat Chrysler, Ford, GM, PSA Group, Toyota and VW, as well as automakers in India and China. www.nexteer.com

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20180508/2127092-1
Nexteer Reaches New EPS Production Milestone in China

Logo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20171115/1993765-1LOGO

Source: Nexteer Automotive

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